Sunday, June 5, 2011

IEEE Research Labs

IGSLabs  is Bangalore based software development company offer academic projects at various academic levels ranging from graduates to masters (Diploma, BCA, BE, M.Tech, MCA, M.Sc (CS/IT)). As a part of our vision to provide hands-on experience to the students we invite them from the stream of Electronics, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Information Science to carry out their academic project work at our facility under the guidance of industry experts. The students will be working as Project Trainees.
IGS offer them the necessary guidance & tools to help them to complete their academic projects in the most professional way. Our focus is on developing Industry specific IEEE  projects  with the interaction of industry experts. Our comprehensive technical facility allows our engineering team to get results & would probably help the students to get exposed to newer tools & technologies while projects are being developed. Most of our efforts are aimed towards showcasing new technologies.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


IEEE Computer Architecture Letters is a bi-annual forum for fast publication of new, high-quality ideas in the form of short, critically refereed, technical papers.
Submissions are accepted on a continuing basis, and accepted letters will be published immediately in the IEEE Digital Library and in the next available print issue. Members of the Technical Committee on Computer Architecture will receive the print issue as a benefit of being a member. Authors should submit their manuscript through Manuscript Central.

IEEE Projects:

IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
A non-profit organization, IEEE is the world's leading professional association for the advancement of technology. pronounced - Eye-triple-E

IEEE's Constitution deems the purposes of the organization as "scientific and educational, directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering, as well as computer science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences."

In implementing these goals, the IEEE serves as a major publisher of scientific journals and a conference organizer.

It is also a leading innovator of industrial standards in a broad range of disciplines, including electric power and energy, biomedical technology and healthcare, information technology, information assurance, telecommunications, consumer electronics, transportation, aerospace, and nanotechnology.
IEEE develops and participates in educational activities such as accreditation of electrical engineering programs in institutes of higher learning. The IEEE also serves student members in colleges and universities around the world. Prospective members and organizations purchase IEEE products and participate in conferences or other IEEE programs.

• More than 375,000 members including nearly 80,000 student members in more than 160 countries,
• 324 sections in ten geographic regions worldwide,
• 1,784 chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests,
• 1,616 student branches and 452 student branch chapters at colleges and universities in 80 countries,
• 38 societies and 7 technical councils representing the wide range of technical interests,
• 390 affinity groups consisting of Consultants' Network, Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), Women in Engineering (WIE) and Life Members (LM) groups,
• Nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development,
• More than 1.7 million documents in the IEEE/IET Electronic Library,
• publishes a total of 144 transactions, journals and magazines,
• sponsors more than 850 conferences annually

Each year, over 100,000 technical professionals attend the more than 300 conferences sponsored or cosponsored by the IEEE. From microelectronics and microwaves to sensors and security, IEEE conferences cover relevant topics that showcase the depth and breadth of members' technical fields.
IEEE Computer Society annually sponsors a wide range of geographically diverse technical conferences, symposiums and workshops dedicated to providing computing professionals with innovative forums designed to facilitate the identification, creation, capture and exchange of highly peer-reviewed scientific and technological knowledge that benefits our members, the profession, and humanity.

Conference Calendar -- Links to hundreds of conferences in computer science and engineering
Calls for IEEE CS Publications-- Submission Instructions and Other Calls
Conference Search -- Makes it easy to find any IEEE-sponsored conferences.
Conference Publications -- Published publication available in the Computer Society's Digital Library
Conference Organizer Tools -- Learn how to organize a Computer Society conference

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